Festival Of Bright Ideas
In 2019, Palam Silks pushed the boundary with 4 collections for Diwali that we marketed as the ‘Festival Of Bright Ideas’.
Palam Silks
Visual Identity /
Photography /
Print Ads /
Digital Campaign /
Outdoor Advertising /
Radio Spots /

Palam Silks has been revolutionising the way women see and wear Kanchipuram Silk. Palam represents traditionalism in the most global forward sense. From pushing the envelope with every collection to being the first silk brand to be invited to the Vogue Wedding Show, Brand Palam is pure momentum.

Real leader brands constantly seek to create their own trend. The concepts and art direction employed bold and striking graphic patterns and forms that formed the visual identity of these sarees.
The creatives showcase key design elements namely the 4 bold bhuttas in the Q4 Collection, the coloured zari in the Aurora collection, the borderless Pravah Collection and the gradient shaded motifs on the Ombre Collection.
We were conscious to make a rift in the expectation of a silk saree brand.